Tuesday, July 13, 2010

congratulations Mike

I just finished reading where Mike won the poetry contest :) The Handshake

Well done Mike !

Look forward to meeting again in Sept.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Arts on the Edge 2010

Hello fellow Write On writers,
Seems for ever since we last met. I miss our Tuesday evenings and hope we restart with a vengeance in September!
We had talked about putting on a literary reading evening at Centre 64 in the lead-up to the Arts on the Edge 2010 festival this August. However, I understand from Susan that only Heather is available to work on this with me. As I have my hands full helping to organize many other aspects of the festival I feel unable to organize a literary reading event, too, so the festival steering committee has agreed to cancel the event. Thanks anyway, Heather!
Perhaps once we have started meeting regularly again we can try an evening reading in a coffeehouse, as Nicole had planned for the Bean Tree before Pierre found it conflicted with something else he had going on. Anyway, my apologies for not following through on the festival event. I'll try harder next time!
Hope you're all enjoying a good summer.
Best wishes,