Sunday, February 27, 2011

Write On Journal

Hello All!
Just got a posting tutorial from Heather; however, my notes are at home. So stay tuned for the exciting list of potential journal titles. Then you too can Wade In!
Thanks for you patience!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cabin Fever

The event was GREAT! Who knew Riverdance could be sat out?! Nola, that was absolutely hilarious and exceptionally well-timed! And Nichol roped the audience in marvelously:) People tittered, ah-ha'd and chuckled when the light finally dawned that Barbi and Ken were the main characters. Then there's multi-talented Heather, comedienne-poet at large, as well as singer par excellence! Thoroughly entertaining! Then there was Nina, singing first Springfield, then her own song with her own exquisite guitar-playing. Susan beguiled everyone with her wonderful story, well-delivered. Mike was THE perfect MC, with his repetoire of timely and bemusing poems, his own and borrowed! Margaret was ever accommodating and good at organizing all. Her "You know you have Cabin Fever" completely resonated with the audience! Our little skit was fun and the audience laughed. It's always good when the audience is laughing and not leaving until the very last. The Spice Boys provided the perfect ending for a GREAT evening! There was more, but this missive is long enough.

Friday, February 11, 2011

secured the serving it right person

Hope this goes to the site. Anyways, got a hold of Elyra, and she's willing to do the deed for seriving booze. But I need the time particulars. Could someone send them to me to send to her?


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feb. 8th Meeting Wrap-up!

With a plethora of choices for this weeks' assignment, thanks to the imagination of Sue Shaw, we all dove right in!

Nola's story touched our hearts about a lovely lab who was lost and found in the true sense of the word, finding an unexpected welcome with a new family and healing from its doggy baggage.

Sue had us on edge with a tale of passionate love and infidelity that had the twist of other-wordliness when we discovered they were vampires with violent tendencies and a nostalgia for Venice...

Mikes' piece had us all reminiscing for days gone by with his story about a gaggle of pre-pubescents, playing sardines in the hayloft with moments of unexpected discoveries in the meeting of lips, followed by brief encounters of almost nudity with subsequent parental reprimands!

Don shared his heart in a tender Valentine poem dedicated to his wife of 44 years, appreciating her many lovely qualities and virtues. be so lucky to have your birthday on Valentine's Day! Happy Birthday June! He included a picture of their fave spot in a warm clime on the beach, watching a gorgeous sunset.

Margaret shared a unique piece of writing that embodied some of the controversy about the deer in our town from the perspective of the deer! A very clever premise with some lovely lines,' love me, love me not' echoing through the prose. Gave us all something to think about again, a fresh approach and insight into a complex issue...

I(Heather) shared a poem which was more like a tribute to the fat sausage in my life-my pug Otis! Also Hillbilly Love' a cynical and humorous piece about trailer park love, illicit flirtations and a bit of belly-showing to boot!

Our writing warmup had to do with delivering a box of chocolates, with or without a possible serial killer! Needless to say, there were a few grizzly deaths between hateful spouses, and an unknowing bathing beauty, plus a St. Bernard out of control with slobber and chocolate fixation...all mixed in with purple walls, handsome strangers, self-conscious silliness and secret admirers! Lots laughs and a good time was had by all! Till we meet again folks...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Script reminder

Good morning Margaret, Nicole, and Sue,
Just a reminder that I am hoping to receive your skit script input in time to have a finished script ready on Wednesday. Hope you're having fun with it!