Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello folks! Mini-update seeing as no-one else is jumping in. We had four of us last night and just got right to it without a writing warm-up exercise. Kay shared poetic pieces around her Kenyan experiences and other personal pieces of the heart. Some great stuff there for spoken word night. Sue shared a gutsy, wrenching slam poetry style piece and due to my tired brain, I am unable to recall the others. Margaret and I didn't share our writings but contributed to the feedback which appeared to be helpful. It sounds like the spoken word night may be better in the fall as we need someone to get an alternate location if Pierre's is out. I chatted to Christine about her place so that may be an option. We should get a sense of how many want to continue through the summer so post your thoughts folks! Nicole has already so let's follow suit so we know wether to carry on through the summer. Any ideas for June meetings/facilitators? It wasn't the same without the 'regulars' and irregulars. Hope to connect in the next meetings however it works out. Ciao for now.


  1. I'm getting the feeling that most of us are being beckoned by the great outdoors (or is it the dandelion god who calls?). Should we call off regular meetings until autumn?

    We could still do some special events in the summer ie the Spoken Word night in August for the Arts on the Edge Festival. Maybe we should have one meeting prior to that and anyone who is still interested in participating can get together beforehand to prepare.

  2. I agree. Interest appears to be waning and in competition with the beautiful outdoor stuff! We are on holidays the last two weeks of August, otherwise I'm up for doing the spoken word evening. I am open to a couple more meetings if people are in June. Sounds like summer is a natural time for a meeting break. Embrace the dandelions as you roll in the daisies! if anyone has Fridays off and wants to take a journal and thermos of coffee to the butte or somewhere...I am game.

  3. Hello
    Well I am doing what I do best...avoidance behaviour. It's been a struggle to put into words that I also am being called by the outdoors,summer company,holidays etc.Soooo I suppose like the song "tho we have to say goodbye for the summer, I'll see you in Sept." I will miss your spirits of creativity...alot.We should still plan for Spoken Word night so perhaps a meeting in June would be good.
