Friday, September 10, 2010

Let's get writing!

Hi all,

October 5th will be our first meeting after a lazy summer (ha!). Hope to see you all at Centre 64 - 7 pm to 9 pm. Give some thought about what you would like to get out of the writing group/changes you'd like to see/aspects you'd like to continue etc, so we can discuss it . Please spread the word.

Our summer workshop with Stefan Czernecki was inspiring! I know that I had a great time and I feel like it's one more step toward becoming a published writer/illustrator. And I feel like I made a new friend.

The next workshop that we have lined up is for early November with Luanne Armstrong. I'm hoping for input from the group about what we would like to see (subject matter, exact dates, workshop format etc.). I need to get in touch with Luanne soon - if anyone would like to help organize the workshop, it would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know (it'll be fun!).

In the meantime, wipe the cobwebs off those pens/keyboards/brains..... and let's get writing!


  1. I forget the details of this workshop so perhaps you can refresh us at our first meeting?! If I am able to swing it, I will plan on going and can help you with it if you like.

  2. Hi Heather,

    Great! I'm sure it will be a great workshop.

    It will be with Luanne Armstrong from Boswell. She has her PhD in Education (I think), she has written numerous books, used to be an editor at Hodgepodge Books and is a Professor Emeritus from UBC. The workshop proposal was for "A Sense of Place", but we can modify that to whatever suits most of us. This workshop will take place in early November, will be Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday .... I can't think of anything else. I will email Luanne soon to get the ball rolling (I don't think I can wait until our first meeting - it won't give us enough time, but we can definitely iron out some details then.) Give me a call if you have any ideas/suggestions about what you would like to do at the workshop. In the previous workshops the one-on-one critiques have been most helpful to me, so I would love to include that again. Talk to you soon....
