Wednesday, December 29, 2010

and your free gift is...

As a post-Christmas-gift-to-myself-because-I-didn't-get-what-I-asked-for I purchased a subscription to Writer's Digest magazine. With my subscription came a free copy of an ebook entitled "Do I Have What it Takes" (Cue mystery instrumental - Du Du Duuuuu)

The book is formatted in a series of questions and answers. I laughed out loud when I read the following correspondence.

How can I be sure I really have creative writing ability?
You'll never be sure. 

That pretty much made my entire $29.95 well spent. The editor, Jane Friendman, goes on to say:

It's best to believe in yourself and keep moving forward. Most writers cycle between periods of self-doubt and periods of confidence.

I suppose with the New Year approaching I'll be making the same resolution I've been making for the past few years. To write more, to finish (and start) the novel, to make an honest commitment to explore this craft and see if there's actually something in it that I need. It beckons me.

And so I pass the floor on to you. Will you be making any writing related resolutions this year?

Writer's Digest Subscriptions - $29.95

1 comment:

  1. New Year's resolutions...bah humbug! It doesn't make sense to me to wait for the big drumroll at the end of one particular month to incorporate healthier practices and habits into my life. That said, when I do reflect on the past year and this one, it's usually the same kinda stuff...less wine, exercise more, creating/crafting regularly, giving back. After the writing workshop, I do want to work toward the suggestion to create/publish an (oh so small and insignificant) book of poetry! P.S. I am curious what you didn't get for your present and admire your consolation gift to yourself instead!
