Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 17th Meeting Summary

'...and then there were six.'  Two gals, Heather and Sue Shaw, joined by Mike R. and 'Mikey', Don and Colin. We shared bits about our favourite authors, some of which were Mike Redfern's pick of Arthur Ransome of the famous 'Swallows and Amazon' Series, Sue who felt carried away by James Clavell even though he was a 'puke' she says. John Grisholm ranked as one of Colin's top five along with Wilbur Smith and Pierre Burton.  Don Davies recommended reading Khaled Hosseire(sorry for any misspellings gang) of the 'Kite Runner' fame. Mikey said he was too young yet to have a favourite author but was open to 'Poppa Charlie's input as a seasoned reader and our suggestions of which we gave him many!  I shared a different version of the Mother Goose author and the inner lives of the nursery rhyme characters.  Mikey then asked us to take something we had heard that day and write from it.    Don wrote about  his granddaughter who, at only 10 years of age, is already 'rolling in the deep' of her own musical talents which she shares with the world.  Colin was struck by the phrase' economy and environment' and waxed poetic for a bit.  Sue amused us as always with a quick and funny reflection sprung from, 'they don't make life jackets just to save lives'.  I wrote a couple of poems taken from a morning mediation book called 'The Cup of our Lives' and Mike responded to the CBC news that day of a tragic murder. Mikey took 'it's not too late to seek a newer world' from Alistair Maclean and the perspective change that wrought. See you soon word weavers!

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