My first memory is wiping out on my trike down a tiny incline in front of our house in Calgary. I cut my chin open and had to get stitches which have left a scar to this day! I think I looked good though, in a cute little dress with a ruffle but that could just be memory embellishment on my part-haha! P.S. It is the last day today to submit entries in the Canada Writes contest on 'Go!' CBC Radio One so please pass this on!
My first memory is wiping out on my trike down a tiny incline in front of our house in Calgary. I cut my chin open and had to get stitches which have left a scar to this day! I think I looked good though, in a cute little dress with a ruffle but that could just be memory embellishment on my part-haha! P.S. It is the last day today to submit entries in the Canada Writes contest on 'Go!' CBC Radio One so please pass this on!