Thursday, August 12, 2010

Children's Illustration Workshop

Hi all,

A last minute reminder that this weekend is the Children's Book Illustration, Storytelling With Pictures Workshop. Stefan Czernecki is very interesting. He will talk about online publishing, self-publishing, children's illustration and more. The workshop includes Friday night round table discussion from 7 to 9 pm (free), Saturday 10 am - 4 pm, and Sunday 10 am - 3 pm, all at Centre 64. Sunday will be one-on-one discussion, so bring something along to share. Stefan stressed that he values creativity and imagination over technique - he wants everyone to feel comfortable sharing their ideas.

The workshop will be $70 - but if we have more than 8 people register (which we already have if everyone shows up who said they would), we will have a surplus. I propose that we divide the surplus amongst the participants. If we get 10 people out, we will each get $14 back ($56 for a workshop - not bad!) We could also use it to go out for supper on Saturday night. We went out for supper to the Bistro last year and it was a lot of fun. We can discuss it at the workshop.

If anyone wants to bring refreshments, please feel free. I bought some cookies (was going to make them, but didn't), ice tea, juice, and we'll have tea and coffee.

I really think this workshop will be a great experience!


  1. Hi Susan. How did the workshop go? I had family all week, was fighting a bad cold and felt el crappo after they all left. Sorry to have missed another neat writer's thingy because of it! Hope you got enough turn-out. When is the Sept. one at Kootenay Lake if still on?

  2. Hi Heather, I was gone for a couple of weeks. The workshop went really well. It was different than I expected, but very inspiring.

    I haven't looked at the Kootenay Lake workshop to see if it's still a go. I won't be attending, which is a bummer, I would love to but I just can't afford it. Nicole was interested - you should talk to her about it.
