We will introduce a character and put them in a predicament. This character could be one you've made up in the past or someone brand new. Tell us about them in
KEY COMPONENT: Give this character an idiosyncrasy that will become relevant to the story line. The predicament or conflict they get into will be a direct link to this idiosyncrasy. Essentially we want their idiosyncrasy to "get them into trouble".
An Example: ((From Building Believable Characters in Creative Fiction)) Do you know one of those people who have an annoying ability to remember everybody's birthday, anniversary, death and goodness knows what and loves sending cards of congratulations. (Well, maybe not for the deaths!) Think of how this obsession might have a bearing on the story. Maybe they sent wedding anniversary cards to two couples, but put them in the wrong envelopes. What trouble could that cause? What if they saw an obituary of a distant acquaintance and sent a card of condolence only to find that it was not really the friend just someone with the same name? Imagine someone who loves to use long or obscure words. What if someone overhears what a character says, gets the wrong end of the stick and acts upon it?
These examples are spin offs into longer stories so try to keep it short; whatever you can read in less than ten minutes. No need to complete the story unless you can in reasonable amount of time. I'm hoping this exercise will help us develop character, introduce conflict and leave the reader craving more...
Oh, and for the poets; feel free to write poetry on this topic.
This will be our only meeting in December so we will have *WINE* Also, bring an appetizer. Should be fun!
Glad to have you back on board with the blog updates etc. Nicole. I appreciate you surfing out new ideas, clipart etc., to make our blog fun, accessible and professional. Am intrigued by the idiosyncrasy we get to pick and tie in to the story assignment...hmmm, I have a few of those myself.