Sunday, December 4, 2011

Write On writers group meeting Nov. 29, 2011

Present: Sue Shaw, Heather Wattie, Don Davies, Mike Whitney, Mike Redfern.

Apologies for absence: Susan Dancer

1. Cabin Fever Daze 2012

It was agreed to book the theatre at Centre 64 for March 3rd 2011, if it is available on that date, for a performance of Cabin Fever Daze. Don, Heather, Sue, and both Mikes are prepared to perform and will ask some musicians and other performers to take part.

We’ll go into planning mode for this in January. (Post-meeting: The theatre is booked for March 3rd but is in use for Off Centre Players rehearsals and set building on the previous Tuesday and Thursday evenings and for a slide show on the cyclorama, which must be white, on the previous Monday. So we will need to be very efficient about back-drop painting, set decorating, and rehearsal.)

2. Write On Journal issue #2

Mike R. is receiving items for inclusion in the second issue of the Write On Journal, which we need to publish in January, leaving time for a third issue in April. The $850 grant from the CKCA for this project must be used before May. Poems, short prose, jokes, artwork, photographs, etc., should be emailed to Mike at He will compile, edit, and lay them out for final selection at a meeting in January.

3. Meeting format

It was agreed that, starting in the New Year, we will try to take 20 to 30 minutes each meeting to do writing exercises from a recognized course book in order to improve specific skills, techniques, etc. We can then develop writing assignments to be read at the following meetings to include the use of those skills, techniques, etc. that we have learned and practiced. This will, in effect, be very much like what we do now at each meeting except that we will be using a more structured basis for the writing we do, hopefully leading us to become more effective writers. (Members may explore course material that they have access to and present to the next meeting.)

4. The Blog

Heather thinks that the Write On writers’ group blog needs to be kept up-to-date. No one expressed interest in doing it, as no one is sure just how to operate a blog successfully. Heather will try her best and consult with Nicole who set it up originally.

5. The Writing Exercise

Mike R. was facilitating this meeting and set a 10 minute writing assignment to write a poem or short piece of prose on the topic ‘After the Rain’.

• Don wrote about a perilous crossing of a high pass on icy roads in snowy conditions, narrowly avoiding a serious accident, something he had experienced just a few weeks ago in Utah.

• Sue wrote a grisly tale about a body skewered with a pool cue and with an 8-ball in its mouth.

Mike W. wrote about chickens and ducks greeting the fresh green day following the rain.

Heather wrote 2 poems, one in rhyming couplets which included someone choking on his tie and an onomatopoeia poem about the sound of dripping water.

Mike R. wrote a paragraph about driving on reflective wet roads and a poem about a dog shaking itself.

6. The Writing Assignment

Mike had set a writing assignment at the previous meeting that he had culled from Writers’ Digest. It was to create a cliché-free protagonist – you; choose a career you once contemplated; change your age, gender, race; investigate something that intrigues you; invent a situation that boosts your heart rate; send your character to a place you’d like to visit; and write.

• Mike R. rewrote a chapter from his unfinished mystery novel in which the protagonist was a young, black female detective inspector in London, England, sent out to investigate a possible crime scene where she discovers a dead body.

• Heather wrote a piece in which the protagonist was a gay Flamenco instructor and immigrant who met his soulmate in Walmart. There was a thread of loss/angst woven through as he was asked to release his lover who was suffering with Aids.

• Mike W. did not attempt this assignment.

• Sue wrote an imaginative piece set in a polluted and dangerous future with futuristic technologies ( a carpet mower) and society.

• Don’s protagonist was an idealistic 19 year old female high school grad who applied for a position as a patrol officer whose job it was to collect taxes for the Australian government from the primitive tribesmen in the dangerous and isolated back-country of Papua New Guinea during the days of head-hunters. Other patrol officers had died or been killed doing this job. The story was prompted by Don’s own application for such a job before he trained as a teacher.

7. Next meeting

We’ll meet again on Tuesday, December 13th, at 7 p.m. The writing assignment, which was set by Heather, will be to share your assignment about a Christmas Gone Wrong.

8. Contact person

Don agreed to take over from Heather as the contact person for anyone wishing to join the Write On writers’ group or to find out more about us. Don can be reached at

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On the cusp of summer...

Well, 'tis almost July. We have had lesser numbers the last few meetings due to the busyness of other activities and the lure of summer-like weather. Margaret Moe, one of our regulars is leaving and will be greatly missed! Members can still participate via the wonders of the world wide web if so inclined. We are putting the finishing touches on the first issue of the Write On Journal which has been a stimulating process to say the least! Sue Shaw has tirelessly put it all together with everyone pitching in where they are able. Hats off to you Sue! Keep your eyes open for copies in locations around town. Till we meet again word weavers and may your summer be abundant, your feet light and your heart open!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

And then there were four...

Four of us were present at this last meeting and we dug into the journal pieces with our editing and revisions! A fruitful evening spent together forming the bones for the upcoming journal to be published in June. A reminder to send your revised pieces to Mike and then to Sue for formatting, along with suitable photos and other images/artwork. See you on the 17th!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Super power summary!

We decided to forego the writing warm-up in favour of sharing the prescribed homework, as Nola had to leave early.

Nola started us all off with a clever piece about a woman who wakes up with a headache. (wait for it...) This was a wake-up call to use her super secret powers for the good. Up to that point she had been a bad girl and making others ill so the nasty boss she was working for and bonking, could sell them expensive pills to make them better. She ended the affair with the boss, broke away from the toxic corporate world of the Pillpushers and reclaimed her morals and sense of self! This heroine then used her powers to heal not harm and cured cancer, no mean feat!

Mike Redfern followed with a humorous story about a kid who discovered his unusual prowess in a variety of sports, due to the fact that he could extend his limbs to longer lengths and unknowingly using that to his advantage in the athletic realm, even taking it to the Olympic level in high jump later! This was all interspersed with a very funny part about making out with the most sought after girl in high school who had amazing knockers which he found out to be fake after an unsuccessful grope and mix-up of body parts! Greta helped save him face by sticking with him and liking him for who he was after the 'Barbie' slandered him and his feeble make out attempts. It was faithful Greta who noticed how he could stretch up to look over the hedge and see if her dad was waiting up for them. Wondrously, they started experimenting with what he could do and the rest is history...complete with a ladder-less interior decorating service and a family to boot!

Sue Shaw entertained us again with another funny piece about a woman who had an encounter at Sprout grocery with the 'wicked witch of Wasa' who gave her magic green beans to eat. These wondrous beans could give the partaker 'supercaloric flatulation and expiring halitosis', in other words, gas and breath to knock your socks off, clean any stain, 'make a biker weep' and level any politician's rhetoric flat out. Now that's a super power worth something!

Don shared a more believable story about Charles and Mary, childhood sweethearts who were separated by circumstances and then reunited years later in England. Charle's mother had the uncanny ability to see into the future with premonitions. Charlie followed in her footsteps, even seeing the scene of Kennedy's assassination in a dream which was the usual mode of revelation. He could have used that 'gift' for ill gain and change the course of history but was a humble sort so chose to live out his life with his reunited love in relative obscurity. He did have a disturbing premonition of his friend Bruce impaled by a falling icicle and kept us on the edge of our seats with a tense ice climbing scene, only to reveal Bruce's untimely death under the very eaves of his own front porch as they released the killer ice knife.

Newer member Mike had a Charlie in his story also, with lovely wife Alice and two kids who resided in Boston. Son George was a musician, his sister Gwen, a nursing type. Their parents were T.V watchers, beer and jerky eaters and enjoyers of bedroom fireworks...somewhat dependant on the content of the program and then measured on the 'richter scale'! Alice worked in a bakery with heavenly cheese sticks while Charlie had a certain 'electrical clairvoyance' which allowed him to accurately assess various mechanical problems at work. This was greatly appreciated by his boss and higher ups. Unfortunately, he was also tormented by the same thought patterns that allowed him to shine at work and had to say a backwards mantra to shut it all off in his head...throw in a trip to a local strip joint and more mental stumbling around where he seeks relief, trying to balance the problem-solving gift without the curse of mind replay. A fun bit of work with a lone-liner punch line I forgot to write down! Sorry Mike.

Mine(Heather), involved three generations speaking in first person, who were all related to Clark Kent. They all left a 'legacy of lines' on a variety of surfaces which were wielded by an ordinary looking knife Kent passed on with possible Kryptonite powers. Kent's stepbrother Bob, whose balloon creations were out of this world, (literally) had a daughter who made woodcarvings come to life when she used the knife and later opened her own tattoo shop where her designs leapt off the skin. Her son also discovered the knife could do unusual things for him when he turned 13 (the magical age) and enjoyed skinning animals he had trapped. Their flesh seemed to fall off the bone effortlessly with the humble looking knife. The dark side of it all immersed when he used the knife for pursuits of a sketchier kind, namely to carve up rich dudes whose pools he cleaned and money he stole.

See you next meeting! Bring a few shorter pieces to share which will then be all read and then selected by the editorial team to go into the journal we are putting together in June!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Next meeting is Tuesday March 22nd at 7pm and the facilitator is Don.
Since it is World Water Day the assignment topic is Water.
Write 1000 words on any of the following:
* A water adventure.
* Water - the new liquid gold
* Water disasters (drownings, tsunamis, floods, cyclones, contamination, droughts)
* Imagine yourself as a drop of water and describe your journey.
* May the rain wash away your worries.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Write On Journal

Hello All!
Just got a posting tutorial from Heather; however, my notes are at home. So stay tuned for the exciting list of potential journal titles. Then you too can Wade In!
Thanks for you patience!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cabin Fever

The event was GREAT! Who knew Riverdance could be sat out?! Nola, that was absolutely hilarious and exceptionally well-timed! And Nichol roped the audience in marvelously:) People tittered, ah-ha'd and chuckled when the light finally dawned that Barbi and Ken were the main characters. Then there's multi-talented Heather, comedienne-poet at large, as well as singer par excellence! Thoroughly entertaining! Then there was Nina, singing first Springfield, then her own song with her own exquisite guitar-playing. Susan beguiled everyone with her wonderful story, well-delivered. Mike was THE perfect MC, with his repetoire of timely and bemusing poems, his own and borrowed! Margaret was ever accommodating and good at organizing all. Her "You know you have Cabin Fever" completely resonated with the audience! Our little skit was fun and the audience laughed. It's always good when the audience is laughing and not leaving until the very last. The Spice Boys provided the perfect ending for a GREAT evening! There was more, but this missive is long enough.

Friday, February 11, 2011

secured the serving it right person

Hope this goes to the site. Anyways, got a hold of Elyra, and she's willing to do the deed for seriving booze. But I need the time particulars. Could someone send them to me to send to her?


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feb. 8th Meeting Wrap-up!

With a plethora of choices for this weeks' assignment, thanks to the imagination of Sue Shaw, we all dove right in!

Nola's story touched our hearts about a lovely lab who was lost and found in the true sense of the word, finding an unexpected welcome with a new family and healing from its doggy baggage.

Sue had us on edge with a tale of passionate love and infidelity that had the twist of other-wordliness when we discovered they were vampires with violent tendencies and a nostalgia for Venice...

Mikes' piece had us all reminiscing for days gone by with his story about a gaggle of pre-pubescents, playing sardines in the hayloft with moments of unexpected discoveries in the meeting of lips, followed by brief encounters of almost nudity with subsequent parental reprimands!

Don shared his heart in a tender Valentine poem dedicated to his wife of 44 years, appreciating her many lovely qualities and virtues. be so lucky to have your birthday on Valentine's Day! Happy Birthday June! He included a picture of their fave spot in a warm clime on the beach, watching a gorgeous sunset.

Margaret shared a unique piece of writing that embodied some of the controversy about the deer in our town from the perspective of the deer! A very clever premise with some lovely lines,' love me, love me not' echoing through the prose. Gave us all something to think about again, a fresh approach and insight into a complex issue...

I(Heather) shared a poem which was more like a tribute to the fat sausage in my life-my pug Otis! Also Hillbilly Love' a cynical and humorous piece about trailer park love, illicit flirtations and a bit of belly-showing to boot!

Our writing warmup had to do with delivering a box of chocolates, with or without a possible serial killer! Needless to say, there were a few grizzly deaths between hateful spouses, and an unknowing bathing beauty, plus a St. Bernard out of control with slobber and chocolate fixation...all mixed in with purple walls, handsome strangers, self-conscious silliness and secret admirers! Lots laughs and a good time was had by all! Till we meet again folks...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Script reminder

Good morning Margaret, Nicole, and Sue,
Just a reminder that I am hoping to receive your skit script input in time to have a finished script ready on Wednesday. Hope you're having fun with it!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Writing Assignment

Here’s your assignment: Choices of 5 topics to write on in any venue, milieu or menu to 1000 words. More than that, please make copies for all . Do not feel constrained. Let ‘er rip!

1. Valentine’s Day…cardiaque blanche; write about love and what it means to you (showing, or telling…even tattle-telling. Testimony on the witness stand. A eulogy!), or about St. Valentine, or the St. Valentine’s Massacre or Love Lost, or Love Lust, or Love-Hate or favourite Valentine candy or someone you know named Valentine or Love. Or a recipe with unusual elements or hearty ingredients -- Recipe for Romance, or Killing Valentine Cookies, etc.

2. or about hearts in general , cardiac problems or a character-to-be in one of your future earth-shattering novels with any of those colourful conditions. Or yourself, your feelings, or your psychedelic twin hidden the closet...

3. or about those lacking heart and soul. Koch Bros., Dagan, Picton, Al Capone, Ted Bundy and Himmler. Or something in your brain, heart or locker yearning to get out…

4. or about an animal, a Pet Perhaps; Something Out There peering in through your window or TV, or reaching into your brain from your iPod or MP3 player on a fark and doggy night...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New time for Cabin Fever Daze Skit!

We are meeting at my house Wed. Feb. 2nd at 9:30. My house is red and on the left as you head down the hill at the gymnastics club corner-347 Crerar St. Phone 427-5112. Be there or be square y'all!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Calling All Writers

Calling all writers from the group who would like to read a poem & /or spoken word.

Time would be approx. 5 min.

Please email by Friday Jan. 21st.

Thank you, its going to be a good time


Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Buckets of" Meeting Wrap

Something interesting happened at this week's meeting. Nothing you can really put your finger on but it felt as if, as a group, that we've turned a corner. It was as nice as it has been on any other occasion but I personally felt challenged and critiqued. It was very exciting and I hope to see more of this sort of behaviour. We truly do have the ability to make each other better writers.

Jill did a stand up job facilitating this weekend. We started with a stream of consciousness warm up. Upon reflection we learned a lot about how each member thinks. All the way from fully formed grammatically correct sentences to abstract words and pictures. Very interesting and certainly appreciated.

Jill also started us off with our "buckets-of-personal-pronoun-free" exercise. Jill's piece was about a morning sunrise and a beast in the midst. Nicole recounted an experience where she saw her Father crying; buckets of tears. Heather gave us a laugh with a poem and told us more about buckets of hope. Sue set us all (literally) in a conflict that involved buckets of bucks while Mike wrote two poems: "ethnic cleansing" buckets of blood and a second that cheerily described buckets of milk and water and BEER. Nina wrote a descriptive piece about a  loved one filled with emptiness, bringing to life memories. Marget write "In Fear of Fifty" Buckets of chirpy exchanges, a piece that brought new meaning to coming of age with a memorable line "the young of the old". Don wrote of Bruce the dunny man and his hilarious adventures cleaning out the honey buckets. A new comer Kate gave us a colorful description of a birds and buckets of water in a yard that are faced with a tom cat.

The meeting was a huge success and a great start to the new year. We're all looking forward to cabin fever days. Another idea that was brought forth was to bring your work for more in-depth critiquing. We've made a group to decision to go ahead and do this. On the February 8th any members that would like to pass out their work for an in depth critique should bring copies. If you would like to participate in the in-depth critique please comment on this blog post. This way we'll know how many copies everyone will need to bring.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Woe is not 'me'...

Eye for an eye,
Tooth for a tooth.
I am a personal pronoun sleuth.
Leave out the 'he's, she's, me's and we's',
How about 'they's', and 'theirs' better bewares!
To write without pronouns maketh me cry,
To leave friends of nouns doth maketh me sigh.
For language will never again be the same,
And it's Ms. Christie's assignment that is largely to blame.

Hardy har har...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Yeah Write

Check out this neat user-contributed blog that focuses on Writing Prompts.