Friday, January 28, 2011

Writing Assignment

Here’s your assignment: Choices of 5 topics to write on in any venue, milieu or menu to 1000 words. More than that, please make copies for all . Do not feel constrained. Let ‘er rip!

1. Valentine’s Day…cardiaque blanche; write about love and what it means to you (showing, or telling…even tattle-telling. Testimony on the witness stand. A eulogy!), or about St. Valentine, or the St. Valentine’s Massacre or Love Lost, or Love Lust, or Love-Hate or favourite Valentine candy or someone you know named Valentine or Love. Or a recipe with unusual elements or hearty ingredients -- Recipe for Romance, or Killing Valentine Cookies, etc.

2. or about hearts in general , cardiac problems or a character-to-be in one of your future earth-shattering novels with any of those colourful conditions. Or yourself, your feelings, or your psychedelic twin hidden the closet...

3. or about those lacking heart and soul. Koch Bros., Dagan, Picton, Al Capone, Ted Bundy and Himmler. Or something in your brain, heart or locker yearning to get out…

4. or about an animal, a Pet Perhaps; Something Out There peering in through your window or TV, or reaching into your brain from your iPod or MP3 player on a fark and doggy night...


  1. It's Tuesday Feb. 8th, not 11th as the assignment says on the left!

  2. Posted November 16,2011, by Mike

    Writing assignment for Write On writers' group meeting on Tuesday, November 29, at 7 p.m. in Centre 64:

    From an idea for avoiding cliches by Art Spikol in Writers' Digets, February 2011.

    Create a cliche-free protagonost: you.
    Choose a career you once contemplated.
    Change your age, gender, & race.
    Investigate something that intrigues you.
    Invent a situation that boosts your heart rate.
    Send your character to a place you'd like to visit.
    Now write. (no length restriction but you should be able to read it in about 10 minutes or less.)

    Have fun!
