Summary of Sept. 25th meeting
In attendance: Mike R., Mike W., Colin, Heather and Sue
It was great to reconvene after the summer and touch base again with everyone. We are hoping we will see some new members this year to join the core membership already established. Our assignment was to share about our summer experiences. Colin had many adventurous and touching moments connecting with his collection of grandkids and getting to know them better while enjoying the beauty of the West Cost. Mike R. shared his thoughts of the Platzl being a vibrant place that folks come to and stay if there was enough artistic and creative happenings to pique interest and keep it long enough. He was able to observe the comings and goings of Platzl life while painting murals on some boring windows which drew curious onlookers cuz' something creative and unusual was actually taking place! Sue kept us chuckling with her anecdotes of relatives and her trip to Ontario. Particularly, the peculiarities of rellies who have certain ideas of how to properly use an outhouse! In the midst of all the family dynamics, she made us feel the 'forlorness' of a town that has lost it's way out and the beauty of the rock and water in that part of Canada. Mike W. and spouse survived the transition of organizing and moving stuff from their 40 years of life from one house to another as they packed up their belongings, pawned off possessions, dismantled a workshop and came to settle for good here in the Kimber. Mike will once again grace the ski hill as soon as the snow flies! I, (Heather) shared my summer experiences which highlighted a trip to the coast for a wedding, 75th b-day celebration, time with grown-up daughters and the annual family golf weekend...a carousel of laundry and guests! Loved being in nature as always with new trails discovered and shoes broken in. We finished off by exploring the cool form of the poetic "lune' which Mike R. introduced to us. It felt similar to Haiku but has a 5/3/5 word line format. It wet our appetites to do more! Until next time...
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