Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oct. 23rd Meeting Summary

The Write On Group meeting of Oct. 23, '12 started in the pub with
members with memories. It continued at Centre 64 with the forgetful.
Colin challenged us to write something readable out of certain words
with the proviso: no two of those words in the same sentence. The
diverse results—some lustful, some humorous, some reflective and some
reminiscent—titillated us all.  Next, we read out our individual

Colin’s manifesto expounded on ‘idealism in action’.  He described 8
sentient, advanced communities in the world wherein workshops could be
established to focus on solving world-wide issues, e.g.: environmental
issues;  creating successful families and successful lives, within a
milieu of better understanding of other cultures to ameliorate sources
of conflict, to identify survival issues and to explore resolutions.
His manifesto is worthy of elaboration and pursuit in a larger
work—maybe even several volumes:)

Heather used an acrostic form for her amazing manifesto and then in free form, 
shared a delightful economy of intriguing words and contemplative metaphors,
she conveyed the individual portion of the same sentience Colin was
aiming for worldwide.  Heather’s piece needs to be printed, too,
ASAP, as all progressive change starts at the personal level.  Even in
times of intense personal turmoil, we are allowed to have fun, for
“dance is sacrament”.  As usual, Heather’s writing removes our
psyche-blinders to enable us to view things from many more angles than

Mike W. described how our possessions can define our individual
manifestos.  People may say politically correct things that give the
‘appearance of truth’, but the slogans which grace (or disgrace) their
T-shirts proclaim their real intentions, politics and characters.
Bumper stickers tout our beliefs, too, and you can tell a lot about a
guy from the level of percussion blaring from his car stereo.  Lavish
lifestyles on paupers’ pittances could describe many young folks
today.  The ‘why’ could be a lazy acceptance of ‘that’s just the way
it is’.  (Or is it a fatalistic belief in earth’s imminent end?) We
had a lot to think about after his piece--mainly how do represent
ourselves in public?.

Sue’s Womanifesto proclaimed social justice, economic equality and
environmental conservation. She vowed to employ her one formidable
weapon to accomplish all this.  Her weapon?   Profound nagging.  In
the wise words of Elmer Fudd (or was it Bugs Bunny?), “Be vewy, vewy
afwaid….” (Summary penned by Sue Shaw)

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