Here we go again, the first meeting after a long summer break. I got through it with sloppy penmanship, but got through it nonetheless. I hadn't realized how much I missed it until we got in there scratching away during warm up exercise and until I saw the welcoming new faces and smiling old ones (reference to familiarity, not age). Wow, I sure missed this group and am so happy to be back at it again. Thank You! It was nice to see every single seat taken last night.
Susan facilitated the meeting and came to the table with a great exercise and homework assignment. We warmed up by choosing three random words from a container. The words were found in magazines. The goal was simple enough; write a paragraph using all three words. The ooh's, aah's and applause were evidence that we all missed being in that room and that no one seemed all that rusty.
The take home assignment was quite specific. Send a couple mattress shopping and use their dialogue and action to describe what's going on in their relationship. A great metaphor and everyone certainly delivered.
Margaret had us laughing at the mattress' expense. Infidelity reared it's head through the female names of the sleep-ware "Thanks Sears Catalogue". Mike imparted the subtleties, that can become enormous concerns, of marital problems with Jack and Jill. Merrillee portrayed her characters in a scenario of miscommunication and the need for "floating covers". Heather locked Betty & Hilda into an Ikea overnight to tell a sweet endearing tale that had conflict only on the outskirts of their relationship.
Susan used mattress symbology to take her young couple to "the next level" while Keri detailed a couple's issues and confusions about exactly where their relationship was headed. Tara delivered an intense mattress purchasing scenario that ended abruptly. Nicole (me) used humour to describe the deepest unfulfilled desires of her female protagonist. Christine took a less abrasive approach with her female character who convinced her partner to really commit to an upgrade. Nola produced a story of misunderstanding and the need to hang on to what it is that represents the past. Kaitlan was present and we hope to hear something from her at the next meeting.
It felt so good to put the pen to paper again. The next meeting will be Tuesday October 19th and Heather will be facilitating. The assignment will be wide open - only two prompt words "Fall Leaves".
Details for the Luanne Armstrong workshop to be coming soon. Keep the weekend of November 21st open boys and girls!
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