Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Workshop with Luanne

Hi all,

I let Luanne know that we would like to run the workshop the weekend of November 20 - 21st.

This is what I wrote her :

Our writing club met last night; I asked the members to give some

thought about what they would like the workshop to include. We meet
again October 19th and I can get back to you after that (as long as
that's not too late for you). We discussed starting the workshop on
Friday evening with a casual gathering (maybe wine/tea and cheese
evening), Saturday workshop and Sunday one-to-one meetings. I asked
if members would like to focus on creative writing or publishing, or
something else, and they said they want it all. If you have any
suggestions, please let me know. We are a group of about 7 at various
stages in our writing (some working on novels, others just writing for
fun). We will advertise in Cranbrook and Kimberley, so we will likely
get a few more.

And she said:

Hi Susan, sounds wonderful. Well, we'll see what we can fit into a weekend -- often a lot, actually, and the one on one meetings really help a lot because then I can be very specific with whatever people are struggling with.

Warmest best wishes


  1. Just a note, I said that we are a group of 7 because that was how many people expressed interest in the workshop - I didn't intend to exclude those not interested in the workshop from the group..... I would have a hard time figuring out how many members we actually have!

  2. Sounds good Susan! Thanks for all the legwork you have put into this...I think it's going to be a really neat weekend! I can still help you as needed with stuff. Please remind me...did we decide to meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday or 1st and third?

  3. Sorry I missed the meeting which I was sso looking forward to. Sounded like a productive one. I am recovering from a bout of pneumonia and didn't want to share it with you. Don

  4. I'm looking forward to this workshop. I would really like to see a huge component on creative writing methods and how to tackle "projects" in a timely manner. It can seem daunting. Oh, and also where to get inspiration and how to know which ideas to run with.
