Monday, November 12, 2012

Nov. 20th Assignment

Hi Enthusiastic Writers:))

Two of the 10 Commandments for writers as printed in Writer’s Digest
March ’96 are:
#1. Put Thy Work first—not the audience or market
#4.    Honour Thy Readers (i.e. Put 'em first, too;)

Keeping in mind these 2 commandments, write about a character's
motivation--it could even be your own.  Think about just one of your
own passions/goals/desires/ambitions or moral motivators—or those of a
fictitious person—e.g., the immoral motivator of a villain, if you so
desire…the ambitions of a Koch Bros., par example.  Or the family pet,
pet ghost, pet rock or the shackled lover in the loft, as the case may

This Assignment must be 900-1500 words.  Not a word more!  This is
counting all the connective tissue:, ‘in’, ‘or’ , ‘this’, 'and', etc..
Put your word count on the top of your piece.  This will ensure
verbal economy and precision.  Think of each word as costing you $5.

You must keep your readers in mind the whole time while you are writing,
for you will be passing your piece to someone else who will read it to
us all.

This way, we will all hear our own writing as our readers would read
it. (Also, we'd each get the same amount of air space and time.)

It’ll also give us an idea if we are doing our best at getting our
ideas, our characters, etc. across to others, while still making it
interesting for most audiences, because we'll each be our own
audience, too.  Hearing our own words spoken by someone else will give
each of us some idea of what we have to do to make our writing more
readable and interesting, don't you think?.

Have fun!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oct. 23rd Meeting Summary

The Write On Group meeting of Oct. 23, '12 started in the pub with
members with memories. It continued at Centre 64 with the forgetful.
Colin challenged us to write something readable out of certain words
with the proviso: no two of those words in the same sentence. The
diverse results—some lustful, some humorous, some reflective and some
reminiscent—titillated us all.  Next, we read out our individual

Colin’s manifesto expounded on ‘idealism in action’.  He described 8
sentient, advanced communities in the world wherein workshops could be
established to focus on solving world-wide issues, e.g.: environmental
issues;  creating successful families and successful lives, within a
milieu of better understanding of other cultures to ameliorate sources
of conflict, to identify survival issues and to explore resolutions.
His manifesto is worthy of elaboration and pursuit in a larger
work—maybe even several volumes:)

Heather used an acrostic form for her amazing manifesto and then in free form, 
shared a delightful economy of intriguing words and contemplative metaphors,
she conveyed the individual portion of the same sentience Colin was
aiming for worldwide.  Heather’s piece needs to be printed, too,
ASAP, as all progressive change starts at the personal level.  Even in
times of intense personal turmoil, we are allowed to have fun, for
“dance is sacrament”.  As usual, Heather’s writing removes our
psyche-blinders to enable us to view things from many more angles than

Mike W. described how our possessions can define our individual
manifestos.  People may say politically correct things that give the
‘appearance of truth’, but the slogans which grace (or disgrace) their
T-shirts proclaim their real intentions, politics and characters.
Bumper stickers tout our beliefs, too, and you can tell a lot about a
guy from the level of percussion blaring from his car stereo.  Lavish
lifestyles on paupers’ pittances could describe many young folks
today.  The ‘why’ could be a lazy acceptance of ‘that’s just the way
it is’.  (Or is it a fatalistic belief in earth’s imminent end?) We
had a lot to think about after his piece--mainly how do represent
ourselves in public?.

Sue’s Womanifesto proclaimed social justice, economic equality and
environmental conservation. She vowed to employ her one formidable
weapon to accomplish all this.  Her weapon?   Profound nagging.  In
the wise words of Elmer Fudd (or was it Bugs Bunny?), “Be vewy, vewy
afwaid….” (Summary penned by Sue Shaw)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Summary of meeting Oct. 9th

In attendance:  Mike Redfern, Sue Shaw, Colin Macleod, Mike Whitney, Heather Wattie (and Mike Park's voice in the background rehearsing for a play!)

Writing assignment:  'Revolution'

Mike R. led us on an ideological revolution through his story outline based in El Salvador as experienced in first person through the eyes of two kids or a female school teacher.  Present in the story would be the dark elements one may expect in a tense political scenario; rebel attacks on villages,  attempted escapes, capture, refugee camps and the fight for freedom and basic human rights.  We look forward to seeing how that takes shape.

Colin expounded on a former essay-like piece,'what if my idealism came true?' He included the presence of a Higher Power and an autocratic approach, benevolent leaders, inspiring actions taken community by community worldwide and a big vision for it all.  A healthy environment, effective use of technology for communication, a classless society, rights for all were also present.  He may do it with a voice representing different countries in a fiction story format.

Sue once again delivered in her naturally humorous vein and shared a piece about Che Guevera at Centre 64 trying to hold a meeting with many interruptions and frustrations, spoken with an accent.  There were many chuckles as Che's vision of revolution was lost in the poor dynamics of the meeting!

Mike W. shared his own warm fuzzy revolution of the 24 hours from morning to night on Thanksgiving Day, reminding us of the joys of companionship, cozy beds, the feeling of community in a local congregation, smells of a turkey with all the trimmings, youth at the skate park and the simple pleasure of life to be thankful for and appreciated.

I(Heather) shared a reflection on the bodily 'revolution' that occurs with menopause and how it can compare with adolescence in dramatics on physical and emotional levels!

Mike W. then gave us a writing exercise where we had to give an excuse for not getting the flu shot.  These ranged from mystical walks/discoveries in the woods as the setting for the excuse, old tins in the garage wreaking havoc when the mystery contents were tasted, a duck bite and consequent blood clot from the bruise, looking after the evil grandkids of a boyfriend with designs to dye their cat, and keeping the body as a temple for an international rugby match.  Lots of laughs and fun!  We then got to share a few limericks to finish it all off.  Good time was had by all and we plan on gathering at the Sully 5:45 for burger and beer before next meeting!  Until then word weavers...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Summary of Sept. 25th meeting
In attendance:  Mike R., Mike W., Colin, Heather and Sue

It was great to reconvene after the summer and touch base again with everyone.  We are hoping we will see some new members this year to join the core membership already established.  Our assignment was to share about our summer experiences.  Colin had many adventurous and touching moments connecting with his collection of grandkids and getting to know them better while enjoying the beauty of the West Cost.  Mike R. shared his thoughts of the Platzl being a vibrant place that folks come to and stay if there was enough artistic and creative happenings to pique interest and keep it long enough.  He was able to observe the comings and goings of Platzl life while painting murals on some boring windows which drew curious onlookers cuz' something creative and unusual was actually taking place!  Sue kept us chuckling with her anecdotes of relatives and her trip to Ontario.  Particularly, the peculiarities of rellies who have certain ideas of how to properly use an outhouse!   In the midst of all the family dynamics, she made us feel the 'forlorness' of a town that has lost it's way out and the beauty of the rock and water in that part of Canada.  Mike W. and spouse survived the transition of organizing and moving stuff from their 40 years of life from one house to another as they packed up their belongings, pawned off possessions, dismantled a workshop and came to settle for good here in the Kimber.  Mike will once again grace the ski hill as soon as the snow flies!  I, (Heather) shared my summer experiences which highlighted a trip to the coast for a wedding, 75th b-day celebration, time with grown-up daughters and the annual family golf weekend...a carousel of laundry and guests!  Loved being in nature as always with new trails discovered and shoes broken in.  We finished off by exploring the cool form of the poetic "lune' which Mike R. introduced to us. It felt similar to Haiku but has a 5/3/5 word line format. It wet our appetites to do more! Until next time...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My apologies once again for the tardy blog update! We had some interesting meetings the last few times, wrote/shared some wild and wacky words of which I am forgetting the specifics unless I check my journal notes.  We managed to select and put together our 3rd journal with Mike Redfern at the helm of the whole process guiding us on and putting in numerous hours.  Colin and Heather graciously hosted us in their intriguing abode for our windup potluck in June with stimulating discussion in one of the coolest homes in Kimberley!  Homemade bread was brought by 'Mikey', plus a lovely assortment of ethnic yum yums and of course, drinks for all.  There were house tours and hopeful glimpses for the ghost but she never graced us with her presence. Instead, we graced each other's presence with humorous stories and anecdotes and a few attempts at card tricks by Don(keep your day job buddy).  Grab a copy of the journal around town, put your feet up somewhere and keep word-smything over the summer dear-hearts!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Summary of the May 1st meeting

An interesting assignment with responses as varied as the group...surprise, surprise! Don's ten sentence story reflected on his experiences as a teacher with a female student who was challenging on many levels but who found her place in the school culture, herself and the world by the unusual vehicle of her safe sex presentation. A lot of this made possible with some nurturing and belief by Don. Years later, she invited him to her wedding and Univeresity grad. A touching story of connection and overcoming stigma and exclusion. Sue Shaw led us on an interesting journey with a letter from a certain Evelynn Rothschilds to the lesser 'vassals and serfs' to whom she shares her thoughts on many global issues and social commentary in a highly amusing fashion. Colin invited us in with his story about his ten fave authors gracing his bookshelves and how they had to earn their priveleged place there in his imagination with their wonderfully engaging characters and stories. Mike R. Read a close to real life story about a senior cadet in the Navy who had a dicey encounter at a Texan bar when he was on a break with his mates. A hot babe was involved, a threatening knife and rescue from his buddies. Truly a close encounter of the red neck kind. I shared a story about the life of a rock who was found by a young girl, brought home to her garden and her life and treasured by generations to come. We finished off with a writing exercise starting with the prompt,'If I had more energy I would...' The group responses included, 'gardening, singing, walking, learning, connecting with old friends,becoming an essayist, engaging in sports and fitness, pursuing dreams, cycle trips,and more!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 17th Meeting Summary

'...and then there were six.'  Two gals, Heather and Sue Shaw, joined by Mike R. and 'Mikey', Don and Colin. We shared bits about our favourite authors, some of which were Mike Redfern's pick of Arthur Ransome of the famous 'Swallows and Amazon' Series, Sue who felt carried away by James Clavell even though he was a 'puke' she says. John Grisholm ranked as one of Colin's top five along with Wilbur Smith and Pierre Burton.  Don Davies recommended reading Khaled Hosseire(sorry for any misspellings gang) of the 'Kite Runner' fame. Mikey said he was too young yet to have a favourite author but was open to 'Poppa Charlie's input as a seasoned reader and our suggestions of which we gave him many!  I shared a different version of the Mother Goose author and the inner lives of the nursery rhyme characters.  Mikey then asked us to take something we had heard that day and write from it.    Don wrote about  his granddaughter who, at only 10 years of age, is already 'rolling in the deep' of her own musical talents which she shares with the world.  Colin was struck by the phrase' economy and environment' and waxed poetic for a bit.  Sue amused us as always with a quick and funny reflection sprung from, 'they don't make life jackets just to save lives'.  I wrote a couple of poems taken from a morning mediation book called 'The Cup of our Lives' and Mike responded to the CBC news that day of a tragic murder. Mikey took 'it's not too late to seek a newer world' from Alistair Maclean and the perspective change that wrought. See you soon word weavers!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tuesday, April 3rd meeting summary

Tuesday night's meeting was fantastic! Both Mike and Colin produced very thoughtful and thought-provoking pieces on the topic "what if...?" I hope they go onward with these pieces, for they are certainly worthy of being published. "New" Mike played a few songs for us on his guitar:) Next meeting's assignment offered forth by "new" Mike is: A look into a favourite author's past:) Have fun with this one, writers! [Hm! Can I write anything at all without a :) or an exclamation mark? Or excessive commas? I doubt it! Is there a 12-Step Program for Over-Punctuating Anonymous?]

Take care!
Sue the Punctuator

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Write On Meeting March 20 Report

Hey there, fellow writers,
Major excitement at last night's Write On meeting was the arrival in our midst of Mike Park, recently returned to Kimberley and keen to join our group which he learned about from Christine after reading issue #2 of our Write On Journal. Welcome, Mike! Good of you to bridge the generation gap and join us old scribblers. ( Exception noted re: "old" in the case of our female members!)
Present last night were Colin, Sue, Mike W., Mike R., and Mike Park. So, with three Mikes at the table, we decided to rename the group Mike On! Just joking.
Colin facilitated the meeting and we first read our assignments about "All the World's A Stage....".
Sue wrote humorously and passionately about the conflicts between the Tudor monarchs of Shakespeare's day. She knows an awful lot about the Tudors whom she describes as being rather like the Borgias.
Mike W. read the whole soliloquay, the Seven Ages of Man, as it is popularly called, and concluded Man is both actor and audience.
Mike R. wrote a short essay positing the same conclusion as Mike W. but pointing out that some people are also innovators and creators of new scenes in life's drama.
Colin reviewed all the possible audiences for Man's performances, including God, aliens, pets, and his own omniscient self, suggesting that people perform to please their particular audience.
Colin then had us write about "My Getaway" for 15 to 20 minutes.
Mike P. write about his music as the place he turned to in times of stress. Later he sang us a song in Spanish that he had just composed. Mike P. is writing in more than one genre!
Mike W.'s getaway was skiing, first in the Yukon and later on Mt. St. Anne in Quebec. He obviously is a ski nut (!) and hopes to move permanently to Kimberley to carry on his passion once he's sold his home in Missisauga.
Mike R. Wrote about returning to Belize in his imagination to escape the troublesome thoughts that keep him awake in the small hours of the morning.
Colin described his family's happy camping holidays on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron.
Sorry, but I can't remember what Sue wrote about except that it led to an impassioned discussion of American conspiracies, a topic we will probably return to at another time. What was your Getaway, Sue?
Our next meeting is on April 3rd for which the writing assignment is up to 1200 words on the topic, "What If", set by Sue who will facilitate the meeting. Mike W. will probably not be there as he and his wife return to Ontario as soon as the ski hill closes. Mike R. will also not be there as he will be on holiday in the States. But there will still be one Mike at the table!!
Mike R.

Friday, February 17, 2012

missed meeting

Hi Fellow Writers:) Sorry I missed last meeting. Recovered now, so will make next meeting;) See you all then!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb. 7th summary

Four males and one female...a reverse harem! Sue Shaw was absent and we are sad to say that Susan D. is not returning this year due to other commitments. We welcome a new member, Colin to the fold and he was a good sport as we mostly edited more journal pieces after a humorous warm-up from Mike where we had to describe 10 people we know. Very entertaining and enlightening! Enjoy the mild temps out there folks and see you next week. Sorry for the tardy blog post and update.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan. 24th summary

Blustery night to meet! A nice supper was had at the Pedal and Tap where a few members ran into each other prior to the meeting. Mike and Susan were missed but hopefully will rejoin us again. Mike R. gave us a stimulating exercise about pairing down the use of excess modifiers which was enlightening! We read over a few pieces for the journal with some editing until calling it quits due to fatigue and brain drain. (me bad!) We will be gearing up for 'Cabin Fever Daze' once the journal is done. The snow continues to fall, the pens continue to write and the group continues to meet. Write On!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday, January 10th meeting summary

OK. I apologize. I should have posted this summary while the meeting was fresh in my mind, but I am on a Monday night sipping a glass of red wine and trying to recall it all. It seems we have a core group now which includes the two Mikes, a Sue(and a Susan we hope still), a Don and a Heather. Hopefully new members will join us this year.

Mike Redfern led the warm-up exercise with the topic of 'Firsts'. Folks shared their scribblings around their first lemon meringue pie making, grade seven slow dance, the classic first kiss with a nurse on a sailor's port break, a first ride on a bull in an alcohol laden fashion, and an unforgettable wipeout on wooden skis which broke in two.

This was followed by the belated christmas assignment. Don shared his poignant journey of healing with us and the importance of cultivating an 'attitude of gratitude'. Sue shared about a disastrous christmas play collaboration that was sabotaged by the flu bug, Heather rewrote a few christmas ditties and a short story. Mike W. made us all teary with a lovely poem written by a State trooper sharing his christmas a hospital episode involving a certain impressive 'member' of the anatomy. The meeting ended around 9 and we all made our way home safely in the snowy dark. Until we meet again dear hearts...