Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear Children,

Dear Children,

One day you will grow up to be adults. You will grow up and reflect on the simplicity of your childhood and you will do it in a writing group. You were all children at different ages, but you were all children as all grown up people once were. 
Some of you will disengage from your childhood having been robbed of one, while some of you will remember it as a simpler time when there was fun to be had and only the pressures of a mother and father to battle with. 
You will all grow up to become intelligent enough to learn things that you will choose to share with yourselves. Whether this knowledge is the uselessness of guilt, the inevitability of death or the love for oneself, it will bring you to tears. Children, you are wonderful creatures and we adore your innocence. Thank You for inspiring such acute creativity in us.

Lots of Love,
Your Adult Selves