Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mike on Blog

Well! This is a first for me. Never posted anything to a blog before and never thought I would. Thanks, Nicole, for dragging me into the 21st Century.
I have no new writing to post, just a thank you to all you creative Write On writers for welcoming me into the group. I look forward to every second Tuesday with pleasant anticipation, knowing that I will hear pieces of writing "outside the box" that will be interesting, well written, probably stimulating, and often humorous.
I am comforted to find that it is never too late to learn new ideas and to pick up different methods of written expression, just as I have been learning new ways to paint in the Wednesday night Art Club. Life is good, just too damn short!
I hope you're all having fun creating a conflict and resolving it through the medium of dialogue. See you on the 16th for an exercise on opening paragraphs.


  1. Yay Mike! Welcome to your life in the 21st century - I'm so excited to drag everyone into this virtual ongoing meeting between meetings.

    Really looking forward to the next 'homework'. If anyone is looking for the book on dialogue at the library you can stop. I took it out.

  2. Also, great title to your first blog entry.

  3. Agreed Mike, life is too damn short and that's why I eat chocolate. When I reflect on the homework around conflict, I instantly think of my relationship with my Mom so it'll be interesting to see what flows from that if I choose to go there. The Wed. art group sounds fun! Will find out more about that as I also like to create stuff on a regular basis with different mediums though haven't done anything since the farmers markets last summer. Enjoy this sunny day...

  4. Way to go Mike!!!!!!
    I have tried 4 times to post this comment to no avail.
    If it does not work this time I will call you.
    Its never to late to learn new things for sure...
    Love your assignment as I have never really worked with dialogue.Looking fwd. to Mar.16th . nola

  5. Guess Nicole is good at dragging-- I am here too! Yahoo! And Mike working on conflict is NEVER any trouble- now the resolution---errr It will get there. J
